PostgreSQL is a very popular database in Rails world. Here I describe how to install and configure it on Ubuntu 14.04 server.
Using apt-get to install PostgreSQL is very simple. Just execute the following two commands,
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Here on my server it will install PostgreSQL 9.3.
During the installation a user named ‘postgres’ will be created automatically and this user is used to start postgresql.
So we should change the password of user ‘postgres’.
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The installation will put configuration files in /etc/postgresql/9.3/main by default.
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Configure new data directory
Sometimes to improve performance, we want put postgres data files in its own disk. For example, we may mount a disk in folder /database and we want to put all postgres data file there. So let’s do that.
Suppose the /database folder already exists. We need to change its owner to postgres firstly.
Now we need to initialize this folder as a data folder
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We must su as postgres first since this user also owns the server process.
Now let’s stop server by running sudo service postgresql stop.
Now we need to update the file /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf,
change data_directory = ‘/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main’ to data_directory = ‘/database’
PS: You need to stop the server first before updating the data_directory location. Otherwise the stop will fail and you need to kill the process manually.
After update the configuration file we need to restart postgresql server.