Long time no see! In last part we have shown that the template is rendered through ActionView::Renderer#render method, so in this part we will check this class in detail.
moduleActionView# This is the main entry point for rendering. It basically delegates# to other objects like TemplateRenderer and PartialRenderer which# actually renders the template.## The Renderer will parse the options from the +render+ or +render_body+# method and render a partial or a template based on the options. The# +TemplateRenderer+ and +PartialRenderer+ objects are wrappers which do all# the setup and logic necessary to render a view and a new object is created# each time +render+ is called.classRendererattr_accessor:lookup_contextdefinitialize(lookup_context)@lookup_context=lookup_contextend# Main render entry point shared by AV and AC.defrender(context,options)ifoptions.key?(:partial)render_partial(context,options)elserender_template(context,options)endend# Direct accessor to template rendering.defrender_template(context,options)#:nodoc:TemplateRenderer.new(@lookup_context).render(context,options)endendend
This class is initialized with a lookup_context, which is of class ActionView::LookupContext. And when the render method is called, for a normal template, the options has no :partial key, so render_template is called. We can see that the render_template method is actually creates an instance of TemplateRenderer and calls its render method.
So let’s have a look at this TemplateRenderer class,
moduleActionViewclassTemplateRenderer<AbstractRendererdefrender(context,options)@view=context@details=extract_details(options)template=determine_template(options)prepend_formats(template.formats)@lookup_context.rendered_format||=(template.formats.first||formats.first)render_template(template,options[:layout],options[:locals])endprivate# Determine the template to be rendered using the given options.defdetermine_template(options)keys=options.has_key?(:locals)?options[:locals].keys:[]ifoptions.key?(:body)Template::Text.new(options[:body])elsifoptions.key?(:text)Template::Text.new(options[:text],formats.first)elsifoptions.key?(:plain)Template::Text.new(options[:plain])elsifoptions.key?(:html)Template::HTML.new(options[:html],formats.first)elsifoptions.key?(:file)with_fallbacks{find_template(options[:file],nil,false,keys,@details)}elsifoptions.key?(:inline)handler=Template.handler_for_extension(options[:type]||"erb")Template.new(options[:inline],"inline template",handler,:locals=>keys)elsifoptions.key?(:template)ifoptions[:template].respond_to?(:render)options[:template]elsefind_template(options[:template],options[:prefixes],false,keys,@details)endelseraiseArgumentError,"You invoked render but did not give any of :partial, :template, :inline, :file, :plain, :text or :body option."endendendend
This class extends from ActionView::AbstractRenderer, and the template is determined by the determinate_template method, we can see that this method checks some keys in options hash, for example :body, :text, etc. And last one it checks the :template key. From Part 1 we already knew that if the :template key is not set explicitly, the options[:template] will be the action name. And options[:prefixes] is an array. For example, when the index action of ArticlesController is accessed, the :template and :prefixes will be,
:prefixes : array [“articles”, “application”]
:template : string “index”
So the template is found by calling find_template method, and this method is defined in super class ActionView::AbstractRenderer, and let’s have a look at this class.
We can see that the find_template method actually is delegated to lookup_context, we will check this method later, but remember that when find_template method is called, it is passed a details object, which is returned by the extract_details method.
Check the extract_details method above, we can see that this method returns a hash. It get the registered_details from the lookup_context and then check if the options contains the key, if yes, the result hush will be the options value for that key(tranformed to an array).
So what’s in this ActionView::LookupContext#registered_details? Let’s check that.
moduleActionView# LookupContext is the object responsible to hold all information required to lookup# templates, i.e. view paths and details. The LookupContext is also responsible to# generate a key, given to view paths, used in the resolver cache lookup. Since# this key is generated just once during the request, it speeds up all cache accesses.classLookupContext#:nodoc:mattr_accessor:registered_detailsself.registered_details=[]defself.register_detail(name,options={},&block)self.registered_details<<nameinitialize=registered_details.map{|n|"@details[:#{n}] = details[:#{n}] || default_#{n}"}Accessors.send:define_method,:"default_#{name}",&blockAccessors.module_eval<<-METHOD,__FILE__,__LINE__+1 def #{name} @details.fetch(:#{name}, []) end def #{name}=(value) value = value.present? ? Array(value) : default_#{name} _set_detail(:#{name}, value) if value != @details[:#{name}] end remove_possible_method :initialize_details def initialize_details(details) #{initialize.join("\n")} end METHODend# Holds accessors for the registered details.moduleAccessors#:nodoc:endregister_detail(:locale)dolocales=[I18n.locale]locales.concat(I18n.fallbacks[I18n.locale])ifI18n.respond_to?:fallbackslocales<<I18n.default_localelocales.uniq!localesendregister_detail(:formats){ActionView::Base.default_formats||[:html,:text,:js,:css,:xml,:json]}register_detail(:variants){[]}register_detail(:handlers){Template::Handlers.extensions}endend
We can see that it has a module attribute registered_details, which is an array, whose elements is the detail name.
For example, in a rails console we can call ActionView::LookupContext.registered_details to see the default detail keys.
We can see that by default it registered 4 details: :locale, :formats, :variants and :handlers, just as in above code, the register_detail is called 4 times and passed those details keys one by one.
And also the class maintains an instance variable called @details which is a hash. The key of this hash is the detail key, the value normally is an array which is the detail value initialized from initialize_details. (We will talk about initialize_details later)
Each time the register_detail is called, it will add several instance methods to the class. For example, when passed :locale to the method, it will define following methods,
default_locale : returns the default locale which is the result returned from the passed block.
locale: which returns the locale value stored in instance variable @details
locale=: which sets the locale value to @details.
And also each time the registered_detail is called, the initialize_details will be redefined. For example, when firstly calling register_detail(:locale), the initialize_details will be like following,
So the initialize_details is just to get the details values from details for each registered detail key, if the key is not found, it will set the default detail values.
Now let’s check the ActionView::LookupContext#find_template method.
moduleActionViewclassLookupContextincludeViewPaths# Helpers related to template lookup using the lookup context information.moduleViewPathsattr_reader:view_paths,:html_fallback_for_js# Whenever setting view paths, makes a copy so that we can manipulate them in# instance objects as we wish.defview_paths=(paths)@view_paths=ActionView::PathSet.new(Array(paths))enddeffind(name,prefixes=[],partial=false,keys=[],options={})@view_paths.find(*args_for_lookup(name,prefixes,partial,keys,options))endalias:find_template:finddeffind_all(name,prefixes=[],partial=false,keys=[],options={})@view_paths.find_all(*args_for_lookup(name,prefixes,partial,keys,options))enddefexists?(name,prefixes=[],partial=false,keys=[],options={})@view_paths.exists?(*args_for_lookup(name,prefixes,partial,keys,options))endalias:template_exists?:exists?# Adds fallbacks to the view paths. Useful in cases when you are rendering# a :file.defwith_fallbacksadded_resolvers=0self.class.fallbacks.eachdo|resolver|nextifview_paths.include?(resolver)view_paths.push(resolver)added_resolvers+=1endyieldensureadded_resolvers.times{view_paths.pop}endprotecteddefargs_for_lookup(name,prefixes,partial,keys,details_options)#:nodoc:name,prefixes=normalize_name(name,prefixes)details,details_key=detail_args_for(details_options)[name,prefixes,partial||false,details,details_key,keys]end# Compute details hash and key according to user options (e.g. passed from #render).defdetail_args_for(options)return@details,details_keyifoptions.empty?# most common path.user_details=@details.merge(options)if@cachedetails_key=DetailsKey.get(user_details)elsedetails_key=nilend[user_details,details_key]end# Support legacy foo.erb names even though we now ignore .erb# as well as incorrectly putting part of the path in the template# name instead of the prefix.defnormalize_name(name,prefixes)#:nodoc:prefixes=prefixes.presenceparts=name.to_s.split('/')parts.shiftifparts.first.empty?name=parts.popreturnname,prefixes||[""]ifparts.empty?parts=parts.join('/')prefixes=prefixes?prefixes.map{|p|"#{p}/#{parts}"}:[parts]returnname,prefixesendendendend
The find_template is implemented in module ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths, and ActionView::LookupContext includes this module. We can see that find_template is just an alias of method find. The find method delegats to @view_paths, which is an instance of ActionView::PathSet. So we need to understand what ActionView::PathSet#find is doing. Actually the ActionView::PathSet#find will delegate the find to a set of PathResolver, which we will check in next part.