In these days there are many free or paid web templates, especially for bootstrap templates. Recently I integrated a Bootstrap template called Loop which is bought on WrapBootstrap. Here I will explain some practices and caveats about the integration.
After extract the template zip file, we can see the organization is like the structure on the left. This template actually contains two templates, one for personal and one for Agency, and what I want is for the Agency. We can see that it puts all resource files like javascripts, CSS files and fonts file in folder assets. I want to keep this structure, so it would be easier to upgrade if it releases new version. The best practice for put 3rd-party template is to put it in vendor/assets, so I create a folder loop under vendor/assets and and copy the assets folder to vendor/assets/loop, like the following figure,
Notice that I changed the assets folder from the original template and named it loop, so when we reference the files under it from browser it will create paths like /assets/loop/js/loop.js because rails will append assets before the resource. This is to make the files in this template not collide with other assets.
Create index file
If you read my blog Using Index Files in Rails 4 Assets Pipeline before, you should know that the index files should be named loop.css.scss and loop.js, under foler vendor/assets/loop.
Basically the index files include all dependent css and javascripts, but pay atthention that their path should start with loop since we have put all assets in vendor/assets/loop/loop folder.
Update CSS files
In the template’s CSS files, there are reference to images such as background image, like following code,
Such url won’t work because Rails will precompile those assets in public/assets folder, so we name this file to main.css.scss, and use image-url tag, like following,
Sometimes the JS files also reference image files, like following code in loop.js,
slides:[// Slideshow Images{image:'assets/img/sliders/slider1.png',title:'<div class="hero-text"><h2 class="hero-heading">HANDCRAFTED</h2><p>Built to provide great visitor experience</p></div>',thumb:'',url:''},{image:'assets/img/sliders/slider2.png',title:'<div class="hero-text"><h2 class="hero-heading">PARALLAX</h2><p>Scrolling the page is fun with parallax background</p></div>',thumb:'',url:''},{image:'assets/img/sliders/slider3.png',title:'<div class="hero-text"><h2 class="hero-heading">BUY ONE FOR TWO</h2><p>Buy one to get both of the agency and personal theme</p></div>',thumb:'',url:''}]
For the same reason, after deploy production the JS files can’t find the image files also, in such case we should depend on the asset pipeline and change the file to loop.js.erb, and use image_path.
slides:[// Slideshow Images{image:'<%= image_path 'loop/img/sliders/slider1.png'%>',title:'<div class="hero-text"><h2 class="hero-heading">HANDCRAFTED</h2><p>Built to provide great visitor experience</p></div>',thumb:'',url:''},{image:'<%= image_path 'loop/img/sliders/slider2.png'%>',title:'<div class="hero-text"><h2 class="hero-heading">PARALLAX</h2><p>Scrolling the page is fun with parallax background</p></div>',thumb:'',url:''},{image:'<%= image_path 'loop/img/sliders/slider3.png'%>',title:'<div class="hero-text"><h2 class="hero-heading">BUY ONE FOR TWO</h2><p>Buy one to get both of the agency and personal theme</p></div>',thumb:'',url:''}]
Also in our erb files, if we want to reference image files we should use image_path.
Precompile configuration
By default when we run rake assets:precompile, Rails won’t precompile the assets in vendor. So we need to add the loop template into configuration, in application.rb, we update like following,