In this blog I will list the steps needed to deploy a Rails 4 application on an Amazon EC2 server. The OS is Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, the database is Postgresql and the web server is Unicorn + Ngnix. Previously I mainly deploy the project on Engine Yard. But this time I need to deploy it on a server manually.
Updating And Preparing The Operating System
Update the Operating System
Firstly we need to update our OS by running following command,
Change locale file
In some cases on my server it shows the following warnings,
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The solution is to edit the /etc/default/locale and add the following contents,
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Install the necessary packages
Next we need to install the following necessary packages by running,
The python-software-properties allows us to easily manage your distribution and independent software vendor software sources. It will be useful when we install Postgresql and Nginx.
The nodejs is a Javascript runtime for Rails.
Install rbenv
Now we need to install a Ruby runtime. I choose rbenv instead of rvm, which is more lightweight for production.
Let’s install rbenv by running the following command,
After installation, following its instructions, add the following content at the top of ~/.bash_profile
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After that run source ~/.bash_profile
to make the changed effective.
Now we install Ruby 2.1.2 and make it global by running following commands,
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The install could take a while so grab a cup of coffee.
After Ruby 2.1.2 is installed, we can install bundler by typing,
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Install Nginx
Now let’s install Nginx. Let’s add the repository of Nginx by typing following command,
Now we need to invoke sudo apt-get update
again since we added a new software source.
Now let’s install Nginx by invoking,
Let’s check Nginx status by typing
If it’s not running, we can start it by running following command,
Install Unicorn
Now we need to install unicorn if you haven’t done so.
Add gem 'unicorn'
in your Gemfile and run bundle install
And after that you can run unicorn_rails
to start it. The default port of unicorn is 8080.
And then create unicorn config file config/unicorn.rb which has following contents,
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Here we set worker_processes to 5, and in the server our application will be at /data/xhoppe. And the stdout_path and stderr_path are set to /data/xhoppe/log/unicorn.log.
Install Postgresql
Now let’s install Postgresql.
I want to install Postgresql 9.3 but the Postgresql version in default repository is 9.1. So we install Postgresql 9.3 by typing following commands, refer here
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Now let’s create a Postgresql role, open psql by running sudo su -c psql postgres
and type following commands,
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Nginx config file
And then update the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default file,
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The upstream unicorn matches the listen "/tmp/unicorn.sock"
in config/unicorn.rb
After that, we need to run service nginx restart
to restart nginx.
Clone project
Now we use git clone to clone our project in /data/xhoppe
First we define a /data/xhoppe/ which defines some environments,
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The XHOPPE_DATABASE_PASSWORD is the production database’s password. And the SECRET_KEY_BASE is for rails session, which is generated by running rake secret
After that we can run source
to set these environment variables.
Running the project.
Now we can run the project by running
unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb -E production -D
Now we can access the website from our browser.